My Daughter Has Benefited in Her Sport and Life My daughter Brttney is 14 years old and has been pitching Select ball since she was 10. She was always able to be a solid go to pitcher until her first year of 14U ball. Her first year of 14U ball she really began to struggle with her pitching and began to show emotion and vocally show frustration when she would throw a bad pitch. She was also hampered by several nagging minor injuries. Dr. Neff, after only 4 sessions, was able to help her to focus and visualize her pitch, help her to come up with a ritual to take her mind off of the pressure of making the pitch and to create different habits to take the place of her vocalizing frustration when her delivery is not what she thinks it should be. By doing this her control is back and she is able to focus only on the task at hand and not to be distracted by anything else while pitching a game. She is also able to shut out any minor pain from nagging injuries and not let it effect her game. She is able to apply all of the routines that Dr. Neff has taught her not only to her game but also to her practices which has resulted in better pitch location and a rise in her speed of 5 miles an hour resulting in a 62 mph fastball. Not only has Dr. Neff helped her in her pitching and the rest of her game in softball but she has also been able to apply his principles in other sports that she plays which has resulted in her as a freshman in high school being pulled up to Varsity in Volleyball for the playoffs. Dr. Neff's principles have also helped her in her school work. The principles that he has taught my daughter can be applied to every aspect of her life and help her to achieve in any task that she is confronted with. Dr. Neff has the complete package, and I definitely encourage others to work with him. Danny Eason Father of Softball Pitcher McKinney, Texas